Rule-Based Transliteration of Ulu Kaganga Script using Character Mapping
Ulu Kaganga script is a historical writing tradition that developed in the southern region of Sumatra. With the widespread use of Latin script, the Ulu Kaganga script has become rare, and very few people can read and write in this script. To preserve the Ulu script, a tool is needed to assist in transliterating Latin text into the Ulu script. This research aims to preserve the Ulu script with the help of technology. In this study, a mobile and web-based application has been developed to transliterate the Ulu Kaganga script from Latin text. The technique used for this script conversion is rule-based, which is employed to break words into syllables and map those syllables into Ulu script characters. Through the rule-based technique and character mapping, adding Indonesian syllables and writing Ulu Kaganga script characters, consisting of 1139 primary characters, becomes easy. This application has been repeatedly tested to improve the mapping of Ulu script characters. The results of testing the application to transliterate 1746 words from Latin script were successful in transliterating. The tests conducted show that the approach used is very effective, with a transliteration accuracy from Latin to Ulu script of 99.98% The testing results show that the application can transcribe text accurately and conveniently, allowing non-expert users to write in Ulu script characters.
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