Development of a Digital Village Concept based on Information Technology Infrastructure and Strategy Management to Facilitate SPBE Ogan Ilir Regency
Technology in the digital era is currently progressing very rapidly. This is marked by the increasingly massive number of social media users in everyday life. Survey results from the Indonesian Internet Service Providers Association (APJII) in 2022 recorded that the number of internet users in Indonesia reached 196.7 million people. This number increased by 23.5 million or 8.9% compared to 2018. With information technology and the internet, information is now becoming more easily spread and can be accessed by all levels of society thanks to the internet, not just people in urban areas, but people living there. in rural areas too. The Ogan Ilir Regency Government initiated information technology infrastructure including village internet or Digital Village to solve the problem of inequality in digitalization of society in rural and urban areas. Development and implementation of a digital village is a program that implements electronic-based government system (SPBE) services to the community and empowers the community based on the use of technology. This research aims to conduct a survey of information technology infrastructure to identify village potential, marketing and accelerating access and public services. Apart from that, this research also identifies digital-based life patterns of people in rural and urban areas, as well as to advance economic development in rural areas to improve SPBE services in Ogan Ilir Regency. The method used is a quantitative method for surveying and mapping the use of information technology in villages and ultimately producing the concept of an independent digital village. Research data was obtained from surveys and FGDs with the Ogan Ilir district government, village heads, village communities and micro, small and medium enterprises. Meanwhile, secondary data will be obtained through the results of MSME and village profiles from the Central Statistics Agency.
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