Evaluating the Impact of Agricultural Technology on Greenhouse Gas Emissions Using Machine Learning
Agriculture is a significant contributor to global warming, primarily due to the release of greenhouse gases like methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). These gases have a much higher global warming potential than carbon dioxide (CO2), necessitating targeted strategies for their reporting and reduction. This study applies machine learning models, specifically XGBoost and Support Vector Machine (SVM), to evaluate how technological advancements in agriculture influence greenhouse gas emissions. The dataset used includes emission data from various crops and farming technologies. Findings reveal that certain crops considerably elevate emissions, and in some cases, new technologies exacerbate the issue. XGBoost achieved 99.6% accuracy in predicting emission mitigation, proving its effectiveness in developing climate change mitigation plans for agriculture. Support Vector Machine also performed well, with an accuracy of 99.5%. This research underscores the need for precise approaches in managing greenhouse gas emissions through technology-driven policies.
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