Sentiment Analysis of Indonesian Citizens on Electric Vehicle Using FastText and BERT Method

  • Darryl Rayhan Wijaya Udayana University, Indonesia
  • Gusti Made Arya Sasmitha Udayana University, Indonesia
  • Wayan Oger Vihikan Udayana University, Indonesia
Keywords: sentiment analysis, electric vehicle, indobert, fasttext


Electric vehicles have become one of the most important innovations in the automotive industry in recent years. This is not only related to technological developments, but also to its significant impact on the environment and lifestyle of global society. Lot of people do not know about the benefit of using electric vehicles for our environment. The transition from conventional vehicles to electric vehicles can really make our environment healthier and also reducing the pollution. At the same time, debates and feelings about electric vehicles continue to grow around the world. This study aims to understand the dynamics of people's feelings and opinions about electric vehicles through sentiment analysis using the FastText and IndoBERT methods. FastText is an efficient text classification and representation learning method developed by Facebook's AI Research (FAIR) lab. IndoBERT is a pre-trained language model specifically designed for the Indonesian language, leveraging the Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) architecture.  By analyzing a total of 119,310 data from January 2020 to June 2023, the tweets data were categorized into negative, neutral, and positive classes. Model yielded the highest accuracy of 82.5% using IndoBERT method. The results outcomes positive perceptions of electric vehicles among Indonesian citizen with a percentage of 58%. By carrying out this research, it is hoped that it can produce quality information for producers, the community and the government in developing and advancing public interest in purchasing electric vehicles considering the very positive impact they have on the surrounding environment.


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How to Cite
Wijaya, D., Sasmitha, G. M., & Vihikan, W. (2024). Sentiment Analysis of Indonesian Citizens on Electric Vehicle Using FastText and BERT Method. Journal of Information Systems and Informatics, 6(3), 1360-1372.