PyLe: An Interactive Tool for Improving Python Syntax Mastery in Non-Computing Students

  • Alain Kabo Mbiada North-West University, South Africa
  • Bassey Isong North-West University, South Africa
  • Francis Lugayizi North-West University, South Africa
Keywords: Computing programming, Syntax Errors, PyLe, Usability, Teaching/Learning environments


The learning and mastering of programming language syntax pose a significant challenge for non-computing students. Most teaching approaches and existing educational tools often fail to address this issue. Therefore, this paper introduces an interactive learning environment called PyLe, specifically designed for introductory programming in Python programming courses. We evaluated the effectiveness of PyLe on first-year students at North-West University in South Africa and the University of Yaoundé 1, Cameroon. Firstly, the study conducts an experiment to assess the effect of PyLe on the time taken to solve a problem and the response quality. Secondly, PyLe’s usability and its instructional value were evaluated by the students and the instructors, respectively. The results from post-test method and a quantitative survey indicate that PyLe improves students’ ability to learn and master program syntax and has a high usability rate. Moreover, feedback from students and teachers affirms PyLe’s potential to address programming syntax challenges for non-computing students. However, the analyses revealed no real relationship between the time taken to complete a task in PyLe and the quality of the solution. This study contributes to improving the teaching and learning of computer programming, which has been considered difficult for both computing and non-computing students.


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How to Cite
Mbiada, A., Isong, B., & Lugayizi, F. (2024). PyLe: An Interactive Tool for Improving Python Syntax Mastery in Non-Computing Students. Journal of Information Systems and Informatics, 6(2), 1008-1034.