Sentiment Analysis of X (Twitter) Comments on The Influence of South Korean Culture in Indonesia

  • Putu Rheya Ananda Savitri Udayana University, Indonesia
  • I Made Agus Dwi Suarjaya Udayana University, Indonesia
  • Wayan Oger Vihikan Udayana University, Indonesia
Keywords: Korean wave, Convolutional Neural Network, X (Twitter), Sentiment


Hallyu or Korean wave refers to the phenomenon of South Korean values and culture spreading to other countries, ultimately influencing global culture. South Korean culture, such as K-pop music, dramas, films, fashion, food, and lifestyle, has gained popularity in Indonesia since 2002. Because South Korean culture influences many aspects of life in Indonesia, responses to this Korean wave are widely discussed in social media, especially through X (Twitter) ranging from positive sentiment to negative sentiment. To gain a more in-depth and detailed understanding of public opinion, a classification process was conducted on the social media platform X (Twitter) using a deep learning algorithm based on the CNN method. The results of this classification provide more accurate and informative insight into the attitudes, opinions, and reactions of the Indonesian people towards the influence of South Korean culture in this country. The research was conducted using 717,998 tweet data resulting in an accuracy of 79%.


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How to Cite
Savitri, P. R., Suarjaya, I. M. A., & Vihikan, W. (2024). Sentiment Analysis of X (Twitter) Comments on The Influence of South Korean Culture in Indonesia. Journal of Information Systems and Informatics, 6(2), 979-991.