Enhancing Digital Forensic Investigation: A Focus on Compact Electronic Devices and Social Media Metadata

  • Ibnu Rohan Tuharea Universitas Islam Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Ahmad Luthfi Universitas Islam Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Erika Ramadani Universitas Islam Indonesia, Indonesia
Keywords: Ontology, Social Media, Digital Forensic, Smartphone, SSDDF


The rise of portable electronic devices and social media has led to new criminal activities, necessitating advancements in digital forensics. This paper introduces Small-Scale Digital Device Forensics (SSDDF), focusing on the forensic examination of miniature digital devices often used in crimes. SSDDF addresses the challenges posed by these devices, particularly in extracting and analyzing data from them. A key aspect of this research is exploring ontology in social media forensics, particularly within the Android operating system. This involves extracting digital evidence like user accounts, messages, and images from social media platforms. While the paper primarily focuses on social media data, it acknowledges the importance of the devices used in crimes. The integration of SSDDF and the analysis of Android system structures are highlighted as key advancements in digital forensic methodologies. These enhancements are expected to improve the process of collecting and analyzing digital evidence from both compact electronic devices and social media platforms. The study offers significant contributions to the field of digital forensics. It provides new strategies for more efficient and effective forensic investigations, especially in the context of extracting and analyzing digital evidence from small electronic devices and social media, thus paving the way for more robust digital evidence handling in future forensic inquiries.


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How to Cite
Tuharea, I., Luthfi, A., & Ramadani, E. (2023). Enhancing Digital Forensic Investigation: A Focus on Compact Electronic Devices and Social Media Metadata. Journal of Information Systems and Informatics, 5(4), 1385-1401. https://doi.org/10.51519/journalisi.v5i4.594