Spatial Analysis of Changes in Normalization Differences Vegetation Index in Protected Forest Areas of South Lore District, Poso Regency
Detection of changes in vegetation density generally uses the vegetation index parameter. The value of the vegetation index can provide information on the proportion of vegetation cover, live plant index, plant biomass, cooling capacity, and estimation of carbon dioxide absorption. This study aims to analyze changes in the level of vegetation density using Sentinel 2-A imagery in the protected forest area of South Lore District. This study used the method of calculating the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) to identify changes in density over 5 years. The results of the NDVI analysis are the largest in the range of -0.92960 to 0.871725. The vegetation density class in the Protected Forest Area of South Lore District in 2017 is in the dense class with an area of 15,322.24 Ha or around 47.66%, while the smallest in the non-vegetation class, which is 103.11 Ha or 0.32%, while the largest vegetation density class is in the Protected Forest Area of South Lore District in 2022, namely in the medium/quite dense class with an area of 19,948.18 Ha or 62.01% while the smallest in the non-vegetation class of 219.17 Ha or 0.68%. The largest increase in area was in the moderate/quite dense class of 4,892.33 Ha or 15.20% while the largest decrease in area was in the dense class with an area of 6,651.16 Ha or 20.67% of the total area of the Protected Forest Area of South Lore District.
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