Call for Articles Volume 5 Issue 3 September 2023



Call for an article in the Journal of Information Systems and Informatics (Journal-ISI) will publish in Volume 5 Issue 3 September 2023. Journal-ISI has been accredited by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Indonesia (Sinta-4). We invite researchers from all over the world to submit an original and high-quality manuscript to be published in Journal-ISI. you can follow Artilcel Template for writing.

Benefits of Publishing with Journal-ISI
- Offer open-access license
- Get Fast peer-review

Manuscripts must be submitted in English and structured using the IMRaD (Introduction, Method, Results &Discussion, and Conclusion) format. Please note that Introduction, Method, Results & Discussion, and Conclusion should be organized into separate chapters. Manuscript files should be in DOCX format. Manuscripts can be any length, using figures and tables effectively. please used single-space, single column, and max 3 levels heading in your manuscripts. use IEEE standard for Reference style.

Submissions at